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CrossFit Journal: When You Never Rx Anything

Hi Athletes,

I hope you guys are well. Here is an article that will give you a bigger, more wholesome perspective of your CrossFit journey.

Taken from the CrossFit Journal, When You Never Rx Anything, by Kai Rayney; April 14. 2018

“Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance. Stamina. Strength. Flexibility. Power. Speed. Coordination. Agility. Balance. Accuracy.

I’d seen those words for weeks, and it finally dawned on me that the list didn’t include muscle-ups, pull-ups, double-unders and handstand push-ups. It didn’t say a thing about Fran, Cindy, Angie or Jackie. Those movements and workouts provide the constant variation that produces fitness and the benchmarks that test it, but mastering a movement or workout isn’t truly the end goal.”

About the Author: Kai Rainey lives with her husband of 21 years in Tucson, Arizona. At 42, she was over 300 lb., with a BMI of 49.9. She lost over half her body weight through CrossFit and healthy eating. In November 2017, she earned a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Certificate. She hopes to reach others who are battling obesity and help them take steps to reclaim their lives. Read more at

Keep pushing! Look at the big picture and stay consistent.

In the journey with you,

Coach Javy

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