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Registration is Open for the 2019 GetEastieFit Throwdown


The GetEastieFit Throwdown is our celebration of all of your fitness accomplishments, new personal records and all the great moments from last year. It is also the anniversary of the company which was founded September 2013.

Registration information:
Like always, we want to encourage all athletes to participate. For 2019, we have a twist. This year it will be a Partner Competition, same gender partners. Start looking for your partner now! We will have three categories for you to choose according to your strength and skill level. Just follow the standards provided to choose your category. At least one of the athletes need to be able to meet the standard. For example: I can do double unders and my partner cannot complete double unders. Or my partner can do muscle ups and I cannot, we can still register for the Rx division. Talk to Coach Javy if you have questions.

Standard for 2019 GetEastieFit Throwdown

Male:Bar and Ring Muscle Ups
Female: C2B Pullups
HSPU (no Ab mats)
Double Unders
DB Snatches (50/35)
Devil Press (50/35)
DB Box Step Overs (50/35)
Deadlift (225/185)
Clean and Jerk (185/155)
Snatch (135/80)
Thruster (115/75)
S2O (155/85)
Box Jump Overs (24/20)
15ft Rope Climbs
Wall Balls (20/14)

Pushups on the floor
Male: Pullups
Toes Above Hips
KBS (53/35)
DB Snatches (35/20)
Devil Press (35/20)
DB Box Step Ups (35/20)
Deadlift (185/125)
Clean and Jerk (135/75)
Snatch (75/45)
Thruster (95/55)
S2O (95/65)
Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Wall Balls (16/10)
Single Unders or DU's

Ring Rows (Feet under rings)
Box Pushups (24"/20")
KB Swing (Russian) - 35/26
Box Step Ups (20/12)
Goblet Squat (35/26)
Ab Mat Sit-Ups (Shoulder Through Hip)
Med Ball Slams (10/8)
Hang DB Clean and Press
Air Squats to Med Ball target
Walking Lunges
Run/Walk 800m


There is a fee to participate in this event each year to ensure that we can provide a space for all our members and our neighbors. 2019 was a $55 registration fee, check back to see what 2020 will bring!

We love volunteers. They allow us to run the event smoothly, focus on the task at hand and provide an excellent experience for the athletes.

Approximate Timeline for the competition:
7:00am – Athletes’ registration
7:30am – Athletes’ briefing
8:00a (approximately) – Event 1 will start as soon as the athletes’ briefing is over. So you need to do your mobility and movement prep before the briefing is over.
1:00p (approximately) – The Final Event will start and soon after we can start the party.

After party notes:

  • Everyone is invited. Bring your favorite dish, food to grill or beverage to share.
  • If you are bringing any dishes for the potluck, please set them at the table. If they need to stay cold please bring a cooler because we do not have a fridge. If you do not have a cooler, we will have coolers with ice ready for you.
  • Please keep your stuff (knee bands, wrist wraps, etc…) organize. There will be a lot of athletes, all the coaches and spectators at the box at once. So I encourage you to bring a gym bag to keep your stuff organized. We want to prevent tripping hazards and delays on the competition.
  • Bring food and supplements to prepare or recover in between events.
  • Be ready to work hard, laugh a lot and have a good time.

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