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COVID-19 Update

Dear CJP Athletes, 
First and foremost, we would like to thank you for trusting us with your health and wellbeing. We understand how important it is for you to visit our facilities everyday. Additionally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for cooperating and helping us keep our gym germ free. CJP is our HOME, and we consider you our FAMILY. 

As of today, to avoid further spreading of the COVID-19, all classes at CJP will be suspended for the next two weeks. We will reevaluate when we will reopen our doors as new information is released.

Our entire schedule will go VIRTUAL and we plan to host Live ZOOM classes. Your Virtual At-Home-Coaching tool box includes the following: 

Your Programming is now available in SugarWOD. Go to SugarWOD and simply tap your Blue ‘Workout of the Day’ track and a pull-down menu will allow you to select the ‘At-Home-Coaching Workout’ track. As always, enter your workout notes and scores. 

In SugarWOD announcements, you will find a RECORDED Whiteboard session where Coach goes through the workout notes, intended stimulus and some encouragement.

As of tomorrow, we will Coach you LIVE through the Zoom app. Live Zoom Classes are hosted by your Coach at the gym or the coach’s home. Your Coach will lead you through the workout LIVE. 

Our Live Zoom Class schedule: 8 AM, 11 AM, 5:30 PM and 6:30 PM. Join us for some Live Coaching! 

8am -
11am -
5:30pm -
6:30pm -

To participate in the Live Zoom Classes, reserve your spot on Zen Planner and download the Zoom app to your phone/laptop. The Zoom link will be posted on SugarWod. Please allow for 10 minutes to download the app and set up for the first time. 

Let’s stay connected! Please use the CJP Athletes page (private) on Facebook or tag us on Instagram (@geteastiefit) to support each other and stay in community. Here is the link to request access. Please use this to share encouraging posts, funny pictures or videos and let us know how you are doing! Don’t forget to use SugarWOD. Fist Pumps are allowed on SugarWOD! Both of these are available so we can stay connected with others while away from the gym. #keepeastiefit

If you can’t make it to the Live Zoom session, as always all our Programming is already posted on SugarWOD under ‘At-Home-Coaching’. The programming consists of a Warm up, MetCon and Midline Madness. You choose your 10 minute cool down! Please check out the following options: YouTube channel Sarah Beth Yoga (variations based on time or objective), ROMWOD (subscription based - CrossFit approved), The Movement Fix move all your joints download or free flow on what your body feels like it needs. 

We want to LEND Equipment to YOU! CJP will be open tomorrow, March 18th to March 25th between 11am-1pm to lend kettlebells and dumbbells to active paying members. Please come! You will have a choice to pick 1 weighted item (1 dumbbell or 1 kettlebell or 1 medicine ball) and 1 accessory (1 jump rope, 1 band or 1 foam roller). First come, first served. When we’re out, we’re out.

Your coaches have made the commitment to continue to help you reach your goals. If safe and within CDC guidelines, we may explore meeting for an outdoor activity. Please check your Facebook Athlete page and Sugar WOD for the latest information. For more opportunities to workout, engage in community, learn from your coaches and challenge each other. #keepeastiefit 

We look forward to getting back to full operations soon. As we develop programs to keep you all healthy and moving during this time, we will continue to keep you fully updated. 

In this season, WE KNOW WE WILL COME BACK STRONGER THAN EVER! If you have any doubts, don't hesitate to contact us via e-mail or text us. 

Thank you all for your continued messages of support. We miss you all so much already! 
Your CJP Family

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