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Greater Pilot Project - Transform EastieFit

The Greater Pilot Project


The mental health crisis is silently killing our future.

22% of Latinx Gen Zers struggle with their mental health.

But together we can give Latinx young people a greater future.

The Greater Pilot Project will provide access to fitness and mentoring to support Latinx young people in their wholistic wellness. 

Join us in supporting Latinx Gen Zers to live their greater stories. 





Prior to the pandemic, 22% of Latinx Gen Zers reported experiencing depression, anxiety, social isolation, or loneliness. 

1 out of 4 Latinas in grades 9-12 has contemplated suicide or attempted suicide. 

In Eastie, young people and their families face displacement, food insecurity, and xenophobia which have led to increased rates of anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, and social isolation. 

Unfortunately, lack of access to therapy and resources means community care is a transformative factor in supporting Latinx Gen Zers with their wholistic wellness. 


So...what if we came together as a community to equip young people to live their futures? 

We believe every Latinx Gen Zer should have access to resources for their wholistic wellness.

We believe we can stop the silent killer. 

We believe you can be part of the transformation. 


The Greater Pilot Project will offer 6 weeks of Transformation Coaching for 12 Latina Gen Zers who will be equipped to...

  • Build 6 wholistic habits for their mind, body, and spirit: Eat Rest, Train, Think, Feel, Connect

  • Develop their sense of identity and purpose 

  • Transform their lives and live their greater stories

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