Dear / Querida Stéphanie,
Please register for our #800gChallenge® here! We want 2022 to be your healthiest and happiest year yet! This can only happen if we Eat, Train, and Sleep to our full potential!
¡Regístrese aquí para nuestro #800gChallenge®! ¡Queremos que 2022 sea su año más saludable y feliz hasta ahora! ¡Esto solo puede suceder si comemos, entrenamos y dormimos a nuestro máximo potencial! Why sign-up? Can’t I do this on my own? You could, but that’s a similar question as to why come to the gym. You could also work out on your own. There is something about formally committing to a challenge that provides the motivation to stick with it combined with the shared “suffering” (read: bonding!) that occurs with participants. Plus you could win prizes, make new friends, and support a local charity!
¿Por qué registrarse? ¿No puedo hacer esto por mi cuenta? Podrías, pero esa es una pregunta similar a por qué venir al gimnasio. También podrías ejercitarte por tu cuenta. Hay algo acerca de comprometerse formalmente con un desafío que proporciona la motivación para seguirlo combinado con el "sufrimiento" compartido (léase: ¡vinculación!) que ocurre con los participantes. ¡Además, podrías ganar premios, hacer nuevos amigos y apoyar a una organización benéfica local! Do I have to perform an inBody scan? Nope! If you want accountability from your coaches, support from your team, and the motivation to build healthier habits you can simply do the challenge without the pressure to perform an inBody scan.
¿Tengo que realizar un escaneo inBody? ¡No! Si desea la responsabilidad de sus entrenadores, el apoyo de su equipo y la motivación para desarrollar hábitos más saludables, simplemente puede hacer el desafío sin la presión de realizar un escaneo corporal. Do I have to weigh my food on a scale? Nope! We will give you helpful tips and visuals to help you estimate your daily intake of fruits and vegetables without a food scale. If you like to be precise and want to build the skill of knowing portion sizes you can buy a scale for about $10-15.
¿Tengo que pesar mi comida en una balanza? ¡No! Le daremos consejos e imágenes útiles para ayudarlo a estimar su ingesta diaria de frutas y verduras sin una escala de alimentos. Si le gusta ser preciso y quiere desarrollar la habilidad de conocer el tamaño de las porciones, puede comprar una báscula por alrededor de $10-15.
COST: $109
Coach Tracy inspires us to improve our energy levels and long-term health during the 800g Challenge! |
Honestly, I was thinking it was going to be like the other CrossFit boxes I had been to before CJP. I thought I wasn’t going to last and that my first class was going to be a try out. I was surprised by how much commitment and effort the coaches put into each of us to make us better, a month try out turned out to be 3 years of continuous work. What started as a couple days a week turned out to be a life time commitment.
I was brought to CrossFit because of the functionality it provides for every challenge life versus just bodybuilding or power lifting. CrossFit forces you to break through mental barriers and past what you thought you physical or mental limit was.
We have something at CJP that I see and appreciate at every CrossFit gym I’ve ever vistied: a community of capable, caring judges and athletes of all shapes and sizes united under one goal of helping each other to get as fit as possible. That was my expectation when I showed up here on Day One (June 2015), and that perception hasn’t changed at all in the four years since.