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Welcome to July!

EastieFit Beach WOD 🌊💪

Join us for a special Beach Workout of the Day (WOD) on July 13 at Revere Beach! This is a fantastic opportunity to work out in the sun, sand, and sea with your fellow athletes and to celebrate Kevin's acceptance into the Chelsea Fire Fighter Academy. Don't forget to bring water, sunscreen, and a towel. See you at the beach!

New 10-Day RSVP Window 🕒

We're excited to announce a new 10-day RSVP window for our classes. Now you can reserve your spot up to 10 days in advance, allowing you to better plan your workouts and ensure you have a place in your favorite classes. Make sure to RSVP early to secure your spot!

Apprenticeship Update 📚

Our apprenticeship program is thriving! We're proud to see our apprentices grow and develop into strong, knowledgeable coaches. Keep an eye out for them in your classes, and don't hesitate to ask for tips and guidance.

EAT Focus: Fueling with Fruits and Veggies 🍎🥦

To complement our training, we're emphasizing nutrition this month. Aim to eat 1-2 fists of fruits or vegetables per meal. This simple habit will provide essential nutrients to keep you energized and support your overall health.

TRAIN Focus for July: Going Heavy and High-Skill Gymnastics 🏋️‍♀️🤸‍♂️

This month, we're focusing on heavy lifting and high-skill gymnastics. Here's what you can expect:

  • Partner Variations of Hero Workouts: Morrison and Small will challenge you and your partner.
  • Classic Benchmark Workouts: Enjoy fun sessions with The Chief, Power Amanda, Mary, and Isabel.
  • Complex Dynamic Lifts: Improve your technique with front squats, overhead squats, power cleans, and snatches.
  • High-Skill Gymnastics Volume: Celebrate your firsts and continued mastery with wall walks, handstand walks, handstand push-ups, muscle-ups, and legless rope climbs.

SLEEP Focus: Optimize Your Sleep Environment 🛏️😴

Quality sleep is crucial for recovery and performance. Set your room temperature between 62 to 66 degrees Fahrenheit to improve your sleep quality and ensure you wake up refreshed and ready to tackle your workouts.

Stay Strong and Have Fun! 🎉

We're here to support you every step of the way. Let's make this July our best month yet with intense workouts, skill mastery, and a lot of fun. Keep pushing your limits and achieving new heights!

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